KAA - 91 years

KAA Artist of the Month

The Artist of the Month feature has been discontinued, at least for the winter.

Artist of the Month
Sheryl Shakinovsky
"Haitian Beauty" by Sheryl Shakinovsky

KAA Artist of the Month - Oct.
Sheryl Shakinovsky

Sculpture by Sheryl Shakinovsky
Sculpture by Sheryl Shakinovsky

Sheryl, an intuitive artist continuously captivated by people, faces, the human form and animals, is an award-winning sculptor and portrait artist specializing in realistic portraiture and figurative works, including those of animals.  She has been nationally and internationally commissioned for her portraiture.  Although she has painted a multitude of two-dimensional portraits using pastels, charcoal, colored pencil and oil, her fascination with perspective and three-dimensional forms has led her full circle to a great love and passion for sculpture, finding this to be both natural and instinctive. 

Sculpture by Sheryl Shakinovsky
Sculpture by Sheryl Shakinovsky

"I am constantly intrigued and inspired by the flow, movement and fluidity of the figure, and, with portraiture, those fleeting expressions that happen in an instant! With sculpture, the excitement of capturing every conceivable angle is a total joy and challenge that infuses me with ever-increasing energy and enthusiasm."

Sheryl holds memberships in several art organizations and is an Elected Artist at Kent.

Artist of the Month
Peter Rembetsy
Peter Rembetsy

KAA Artist of the Month - Sept.
Peter Rembetsy

Photographer Peter Rembetsy was born in Boston Massachusetts. His interest in "Rodeo" has provided Peter the opportunity to create graphic photos of the American Cowboy. 

Photo by Peter Rembetsy
Photo by Peter Rembetsy

Peter has a Bachelor and a Masters Degree in sculpture and visual communications. He has studied with Peter Volkous, Julius D'Agistino, Larry Jensen, David Flaherty, Dean Keller to name a few. His works are collected by the A. Rubin Foundation, Dr. Fredrick Hatfield, John Meyers Collection, M. Grossfield Collection, State of Connecticut Regional Center, The Whitney Museum, and private collectors. Peter is an advisor for the State of Connecticut Graphics Advisory Board and serves as consultant to many art colleges and universities. He has received lifetime achievement accolades from Lyme Academy and the New York Art Director's and Connecticut Director's "One" awards for professional photography and graphics. Peter still accepts commissions and works in his Fairfield studio when he is not traveling.

Artist of the Month
Don Sexton
Don Sexton

KAA Artist of the Month - August
Don Sexton

"Many of my works attempt to capture the feelings and memories of places – street fairs, marketplaces, beaches, city squares, amusement parks.   I live in the TriBeCa area of lower Manhattan and in several of my paintings I try to show the character of that neighborhood."

"I enjoy color and have developed a technique that produces vivid and rich hues.  First I sketch the subject with black ink.  Then, I apply oil pastels and follow with water-based inks, causing the oil pastel colors to become more intense." 

"Grand Army Plaza" by Don Sexton
"Grand Army Plaza" by Don Sexton

Don studied painting, drawing, and print-making at Wesleyan University, the New School in New York City, and the American Center for the Arts in Paris.  His works have been exhibited in numerous shows in New York City and in Connecticut, have received several awards, and are in collections in Europe, the United States, and Australia.  He is frequently engaged for commission projects.   Many of his paintings can be seen on his website:   http://www.sextonart.com    He is a member of the Board of the Kent Art Association and a member of the Washington Art Association, Artwell, and the Mamaroneck Artists Guild.

Artist of the Month
Jeanne Hunkapiller
Jeanne Hunkapiller

KAA Artist of the Month - July
Jeanne Hunkapiller

“I always dreamed of being an artist but it wasn’t until I lived in Australia that I began to live my dream.  The richness of color and contrast in the Australian light awaken a deep passion that continues to bring me great joy.   The act of painting has broadened my appreciation of life and the ever-present creative energy of the universe. I see beauty where previously I was too busy to look.   These are the precious moments of awareness.  I’m continually evolving as student of the universe and as an artist; life and art are never separate. My hope is to share with you a moment of reflective pause.”    

"Bucket of Roses" by Jeanne Hunkapiller
"Bucket of Roses" by Jeanne Hunkapiller

A past Officer and Board member, Jeanne is currently serving on the Board and several committees.  Dedicated to the development of art in community life, she is also a member of the Ridgewood Art Association, the Warwick Art League, and the Orange County Arts Council.  She shows in the Hudson Valley region and New Jersey as well as Kent.

Artist of the Month
Patricia Collins Broun
Patricia Collins Broun

KAA Artist of the Month - June
Patricia Collins Broun

Pat is moved by all the great beauty in our area and in the world which becomes the inspiration for her paintings.  As a representational watercolorist, she delights in painting seascapes, landscapes, florals, and architectural renderings.  Pat really enjoys creating the numerous requests she gets on commission.   She has studied with many renowned artists and shares that knowledge in Beginning Watercolor classes.   

"Field Flowers" by Patricia Collins Broun
"Field Flowers" by Patricia Collins Broun
Pat is a member of a number of art organizations; her work is in private collections around the world; and some can be found in shops in NY and Vermont.  She has also illustrated three children's story books.

Pat is an Elected Artist of the Kent Art Association and has been involved as an Officer/Board Member for the past twenty years.

Artist of the Month
Beth Dooley
"Green Apples" by Beth Dooley

KAA Artist of the Month - May
Beth Dooley

"I started watercolor painting many years ago with a group formed by Maggie Smith, a long-time member of the Kent Art Association and a teacher at South Kent School.   Known as The Monday Morning Art Group, this great group of artists and friends has now been painting for some 30 years.
Having studied fashion design at Washington University in St. Louis and worked in fashion before moving to Kent in 1982, it was natural that I got involved with the Kent Art Assocation.  Since becoming a member, I have served on the Board of Directors a good many years and presently serve as the treasurer.  I also currently volunteer with the Kent Garden Club, Kent Historical Society, and Kent Quality Thrift Shop." 

Artist of the Month
Clayton Buchanan
Clayton Buchanan

KAA Artist of the Month - April
Clayton Buchanan

Clayton Buchanan is intrigued with nature, and the light and color that bring it to life.  His paintings are in private and corporate collections including the Elizabeth T. Greenshields Memorial Foundation, Montreal, Canada, The First National Bank of Boston, London, England, and Northern Dutchess Hospital, Rhinebeck, NY.  He has done commissioned portraits throughout the Northeast and South, and is currently conducting demonstrations, classes, and workshops.  He was awarded two Elizabeth T. Greenshield Memorial Foundation Grants, and has received many regional/national art awards.

Memberships include: Pastel Society of America; Connecticut Pastel Society; The Guild of Boston Artists; Kent Art Association, CT.

Clayton Buchanan studied Impressionist Painting with Henry Hensche, Cape School of Art, Provincetown, MS; Figure/Portrait Painting with William Draper, Art Students League, NY; Commercial Art/Illustration, Memphis Art Academy, TN.  He resides and has his studio in Newburgh, NY.

Artist of the Month
Carolyn Fisher
Carolyn Fisher

KAA Artist of the Month - March
Carolyn B. Fisher

Working mainly with oil, pastel, and acrylic, I use personal experience as well as a variety of subjects for my paintings. Some of my landscapes are of places in Connecticut. I enjoy painting animals and I have completed several pet portraits. Other inspiration comes from completing a still life or doing a portrait directly from the model. I show work each August at the Bridgewater Fair, Bridgewater, Connecticut. I am a Kent Art Association Elected Artist. More of my work can be seen on this website.

Artist of the Month

An Elected Artist will be asked to participate in the Artist of the Month (or may request to be considered). 

The artist will provide a short biography, a picture of themselves and three (3) to five (5) jpegs of their works.  Three works will hang in the gallery on the back wall of the entrance office. 

The show will hang from the first of the month to the last of the month.  The artist will be responsible for bringing the work and picking it up in a timely manner. The Elected Artist may select an afternoon to do a presentation of their works and bring in additional works for display and sale.

Publicity for this special showing will be sent to the newspapers and local media.